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It is a platform that was established in 2020 to facilitate safe daily transportation of school students in the first place, university students, and employees through an intelligent application
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Why Schoolz
You’ll discover ways to feel at ease and secure
Totally safe
We provide highly trained and non-drug-driven drivers to ensure the highest levels of safety

Comfortable ease
We assure comfy equipped buses for all of our customers to provide a pleasant and stress-free trip

Monthly plans
We provide monthly plans supported by offers with special features according to the needs of our customers

Time Saving
We ensure that the bus comes on schedule and take the shortcuts that are less crowded to arrive on time
Types Of Trips?
Your vehicle is prepared to go to any destination
School Trips
Safe and reliable daily rides for all students in different age groups

Employees Trips
Every day, comfortable rides and on-time arrivals are guaranteed

Travel Trips
Buses with more deluxe and pleasant characteristics for travel

Calculate price
Get a long subscription with the cheapest option1 Calculate price before subscription
We provide you with subscription pricing, which is different from the normal pricing for any product or service, because it depends on the period of your дропшипінг постачальники consumption of our service, and the longer the period extends—from three months to a постільна білизна купити year—the more options you will get at a cheaper price.
2Choose subscription plan
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Our Plans
From an advanced technology that tracks and monitors every rideWhat can you do with our app?
Just activate all the comfort features1
Live Tracking2
On Time Arrival
Are you captain?
Our non-stop, planned trips will get you there faster

Ease of Joining
We have one simple option for you to join: a personal interview in which you will be completely evaluated

Ensured earnings
We guarantee that you will receive a special pay on time, as well as monthly bonuses and profits

Efficient Time
You must finish your rides in a timely and efficient manner. It's critical to work effectively as well as efficiently.

Fixed Trip
We don't tyre you out with random trips, all our trips are scheduled and organized
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